Iraq depends MasterCard service for the disbursement of salary and retired abroad

21 Jun 2015 In IRAQ Comments Off on Iraq depends MasterCard service for the disbursement of salary and retired abroad

Iraq depends MasterCard service for the disbursement of salary and retired abroad…OLSP8MXGOu1I3SSaFKkg

/…oaln Rafidain Bank Baghdad on Saturday, the adoption of MasterCard service for the disbursement of the salaries of pensioners living abroad.

According to a statement of the bank she received “eye Iraq News” that he “instructed the branches in the capitals of Arab States Amman, Beirut, Abu Dhabi, regardless of pensions through the MasterCard card.”

He added that “this move would keep pace with the technological development of modern, witnessed by the bank during this period and what can be posed by the joint between it and the banks in a number of developed countries meeting point.”

It is noteworthy that the Rafidain Bank announced last May launch MasterCard Electronic Service for retirees who are out of Iraq through its branches located Hnak.anthy 7

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