5 wealthy families who lost their fortunes By Judy Martel

31 May 2015 In Financial Literacy/Wealth Tips Comments Off on 5 wealthy families who lost their fortunes By Judy Martel

Reversal of fortune

You wouldn’t think it possible that a family worth millions would blow through all of it. It seems pretty hard to do, don’t you think.

But in fact, any number of factors could contribute to a reversal of fortune, whether the decline is swift and sudden or stretched out over six generations. The usual suspects include bad investments, too much debt and overindulgent spending. Meet five well-known rich families who suffered a reversal of fortune.

Read more: http://www.bankrate.com/finance/smart-spending/wealthy-families-who-lost-their-fortune-1.aspx#ixzz3bkyur1Vh

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