After exempted from customs duties .. province allows all companies to import cars

12 Apr 2015 In IRAQ, GLOBAL ECONOMIES Comments Off on After exempted from customs duties .. province allows all companies to import cars

History of edits:: 4.12.2015 22:09

The Ministry of Trade and Industry in Overnmhakulaim Kurdistan, a decision allows companies to import taxis, after it was confined to only three companies.
And began to import taxis type [Taxi Kurdistan since 2008, and was allowed to import cabs restricted to only three companies decision, and see the Ministry of Commerce in the region that the decision will create a sort of competition between the companies, while expressed several satisfaction with companies about the decision.
According to the statistical department General Traffic in the Kurdistan region, there are more than 86 061 thousand cars fare type taxi in the province, including 42 261 in Arbil and 29 000 in Sulaymaniyah and 16 800 in the province of Dohuk.
The parliamentary finance committee member Majda al-Tamimi, revealed in 18 of December Second, the imposition of the draft federal financial budget law Kmarkip on the import of cars with the exception of the province of Kurdistan fees.
She said Tamimi’s [where] that “the budget imposed fees Kmarkip on car imports by 15% of the purchase price and the Baghdad include the rest of the provinces, but the Kurdistan region excluded from this figure . “
She added that “the exception region of the imposition of these fees will make the car a booming trade in it and therefore, the rest of the border crossings would lose so must know how to put such measures by the government!”.
It is said that the imposition of the government for such fees and other taxes dating back to Iraq faces financial hardship and a lack of liquidity with the fiscal deficit is estimated at 60 trillion dinars due to lower global oil prices to below $ 50 per barrel, especially since the Iraq depends on oil rents by up to 85% .anthy

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