Bigger Than Wi-Fi: Wireless Electricity

09 Mar 2015 In Investments & Opportunity, UNITED STATES Comments Off on Bigger Than Wi-Fi: Wireless Electricity
Bigger Than Wi-Fi: Wireless Electricity
By Briton Ryle | Sunday, March 8th, 2015

Briton RyleWireless electricity is here. And you can invest in it today.

Literally right now, this company can charge most any device — cell phones, laptops, tablets, toothbrushes… you name it — without any wires at all.

Pike Research, a major industry analyst, has declared:

“We predict this technology taking off in a similar fashion to how Wi-Fi got its start a decade or so ago.”

It’s patented. It has early mover advantage.

And it’s going to be a serious cash cow by licensing the technology to the Apples and Samsungs of the world to be installed on every device.

Below video is used as a picture not the video which is a solicitation and i  will not promote only share.

Click to SeeWirless Electricity in Action!
Maybe that’s why it was one of the best-performing IPOs last year.

Or maybe it’s because the capital group backing it has struck pay dirt several times in a row — without a loss — bringing companies to market that generated anywhere from 200 to 670 times your money.

It’s already gaining FCC approval and has an agreement with Foxconn, which produces the most electronics in the world, including Apple products.

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