Government Abadi amended paragraphs oil and gas law and the Kurdistan welcomes

24 Feb 2015 In IRAQ Comments Off on Government Abadi amended paragraphs oil and gas law and the Kurdistan welcomes


BAGHDAD .. Government Abadi face challenges and tasks, including many bills have not been completed, and perhaps set up a new version of the law of oil and gas gain acceptance of the governments in Baghdad and Erbil go a long way in establishing the relationship between the parties on the basis of mutual understanding to resolve other outstanding issues.

He stressed that the Kurdistan Alliance, “a project of the new oil and gas law and the amendments thereto widely accepted, he noted that he was” not contrary to paragraph 111 of the Constitution, which provides for the distribution of national wealth to the people. “

The MP said independent Kurdish Mahmoud Othman, said that “the amendments contained in the new draft oil and gas law is in the framework of the agreement between the Ministry of Oil and the Kurdistan Regional Government,” stressing that “the paragraphs of the new law, allows for the Kurdistan region to export oil in exchange for a financial stake of the federal government.”

He added Osman told Baghdad International / WAP / “The draft of the new oil and gas law, which was prepared by Dr. Haider Abadi government and amendments thereto, thrown acceptance of the Kurdish party, and that he does not violate paragraph 111 of the Constitution which stipulates the distribution of national wealth to the people.”

Osman said that “the bill comes in the framework of cooperation between Baghdad and Erbil to melt the ice and resolving differences and settle the outstanding problems,” noting that “the law was passed in the House of Representatives will depend on the consensus of political parties.”

It seems that the security challenges posed by the Daash the federal government paid to take several steps to launch a new page in the national relations, and between steps, the agreement reached by the Oil Ministry with the Kurdistan Regional Government, in preparation for the settlement of other issues between Baghdad and Erbil.

There were reports the preparation of a new project for the oil and gas law, noting that the new project, who are eyeing the reasons that have prevented the passing of the bill earlier in order to overcome in the new draft.

Developments in the project of the new oil and gas law, I took into consideration, the deep financial crisis in Iraq following the drop in oil prices and rising oil provinces voice that demands that have a say in the writing of the law for the exploitation of oil resources extracted from their territory.

But observers pointed out that the new law should not pass through political consensus and deal satisfy certain parties

He described the political analyst Mohammed Ugaili’s / WAP / that “Oil Minister Adel Abdul-Mahdi agreement with the Government of the Territory as a political agreement, did not meet the national interest requirements,” and expressed the hope “that does not deprive the project of the new oil and gas law, the southern provinces, which are still straining under the weight of misery and deprivation. “

He was a member of the Committee on Energy parliamentary Zaher al-Abadi said in an earlier statement, the oil and gas law was controversial and widely between the federal government and the Kurdistan Regional Government has been behind major conflicts between the two governments, noting that the Council of Ministers sent the 2007 draft oil and gas law to Parliament in order to read and vote it, but the parliament decided to return the bill to the government.

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