Dinar Puzzle

03 Feb 2015 In Investments & Opportunity, IRAQ, GLOBAL ECONOMIES Comments Off on Dinar Puzzle

This was given to Tony at TNT Dinar by a fellow dinarian.

Hey, guys, I just want to stop real quick, because I do wanna say thank you myself to, and tell you guys about this.

Pam, there might be a way you could actually post it in the forum or the front page for everybody to look at. I would love for everybody to have this, I mean absolutely everybody. We had some members that sent us a puzzle, since we’re always talkin’ about puttin’ the pieces of the puzzle together? And it was a puzzle that had all of the little things and phrases that was said over the last four years that DC said. I mean, it was a puzzle and I had to put the pieces together, and it was written and, and it was the most personalized thing I’ve, I’ve ever seen in my life, to tell you the truth, so, and I really would like to share it with you guys. I’d like to tell them thank you, first, ‘cause nobody took the time to do somethin’ like that, and I’d like to figure out how to share it with you guys, because what I have some people doin’, I actually sent it to them and they’re gonna take and have the picture blown up and put it in a frame with all of that there. But I just thought it was just great.

So I wanted to tell them thank you, and I wanted to tell you guys I’m gonna ask Pam to try and figure out how to get it out to you, and I think she can do it, but I’m not quite sure ‘cause I haven’t gotten the email yet, and I keep checkin’ and I haven’t got that part. But she might be able to figure this out, so anyway. We’ll go with that. And I can only do that ‘cause I love her, so anyway. 707, good morning.


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